Becky Bursell: Helping Others Recognizing Greatness Within Themselves

Becky Bursell is a Business Coach and entrepreneur. She has led, built and managed teams of   over 800,000 business owners spanning in over 60 countries, and responsible   for over $1 billion in sales during the last decade.

She is currently serving as the Executive Vice President for   The Maxwell Leadership organization and responsible for creating, developing   and marketing their personal growth solutions and products.

Becky’s passion is helping people recognize greatness   within themselves. She shows others how to become the “Greatest Version of   You” by pursuing personal development, generating multiple streams of income   and cultivating leadership skills. Becky has learned that most people achieve   success by concentrating on personal growth instead of personal goals. She   teaches that being growth-oriented is more impactful than being   goal-oriented. “Happiness doesn’t come from achieving goals,” Becky   explained. “It comes from becoming the Greatest Version of You!”

Becky admits that for the first part of her life she was   focused on perfectionism instead of purpose. Now she understands that   perfection doesn’t exist. “In order to be happy with yourself and grow into a   true leader, you must learn how to let go of the idea of perfectionism and   embrace your flaws, weaknesses and doubts right along-side your strengths.   You must become the leader you would want to follow. If you are intentional   about helping others grow, you will find success,” Becky explains.

Becky, her husband, John, and their three children reside in   Utah. They enjoy spending time traveling, boating and relaxing at their   family ranch in California.

Becky Bursell is recognized for her relentless pursuit to   help those who want to learn, grow and succeed. Her story is an intriguing   journey. Becky was a stay-at-home mother with a stay-at-work husband John.   Then she heard about a networking opportunity at a home meeting and   recognized the opportunity that could provide relief for her husband who was   working an exhausting 80-hour-a-week job as a systems engineer. With an   initially reluctant husband, two young children to care for and no network   marketing experience, Becky began her pursuit with abandon. From that first   day, she began to see herself growing and developing both personally and   professionally. She credits other leaders and mentors who guided her along   the way and helped her build a solid organization. Today, she is an   influencer to others. Her advice is simple yet profound centered on a theme   of perseverance, “Just work and work and work, and never give up on yourself.   You can do this, and you can have everything you want.” In between business,   Becky caters also to needs in third world countries such as Ecuador or Peru   and helping build schools & playgrounds to provide fresh run in water   & food for people in need.

Instagram: @iambeckybursell


Book Recommendations:

  1. John Maxwell books

  2. Brene Brown books

  3. Never Eat Alone, by Keith Ferrazzi

  4. Podcast: The Ed Mylett Show


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